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2. UCC Identity


I  I acknowledge Jesus Christ as the sole Head of the Church


  • Jesus is my example of how to engage the world. He was deeply rooted in the vertical dimension, connecting to all that is Holy, so that he might be a fitting response to his community centered in the horizontal dimension. Justice work needs time of deep centering and reflection to replenish the spirit to engage again in the world as the hands and feet of God. 


II Communicating a passion for the oneness of the Body of Christ.


  • As a cis-gender, heterosexual Oma, I was the moderator of Rebel & Divine, a community of at-risk and homeless LGBTQIA young adults, from January 2016 until August of 2017. 

  • Noah's Letter of recommendation

  • I participated in the Faithful Witness AT the border in August 2018 as well as assisting First Congregational UCC Phoenix with hospitality during their first ICE drop off.

  • I have participated in “White Fragility” and “White Privilege” seminars/classes at both First Congregational UCC Phoenix and Desert Palm UCC Tempe. 


III Holding active membership in a local church


  • I have held my membership at Desert Palm UCC Tempe since January 2017, participating in the life of the congregation by preaching, being worship leader, attending as well as teaching adult education offerings.


IV Participating in various settings of the United Church of Christ


  • I regularly participate in annual meeting, clergy retreats, ecclesiastical councils and ordination/installation services. In addition I recently volunteered with the conference wide W.I.S.E. event in November 2019.

  • I regularly offer financial support to my local church, OCWM special offerings and assist with camp scholarships. 



V Knowing and Appreciating UCC History, Polity, and Theology


  • I completed my UCC History and Polity class through the Center for Progressive Renewal in September 2017.


VI Exhibiting a commitment to the core values of the United Church of Christ: continuing testament, extravagant welcome, and changing lives


  • The dignity of all people has been an integral part on how I have approached my work as a nurse case manager to women who are pregnant and opioid/heroin dependent as well as their children up to one year of age. Within the given boundaries and presumptive focus on physical health, I am open to deeper conversations of spiritual health if initiated by clients. 

  • Jo Vredenberg's letter of recommendation, member of Desert Palm UCC and mentor for this Mark of Ministry.


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Kelly Kahlstrom, RN, BSN, MA

UCC Southwest Conference

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