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8. Strengthening Intra- and Inter Personal Assets

Praying Together

I   Developing and Maintaining a healthy sense of self as shaped by God, community, and life experiences 


  • Personal and family counseling as needed

  • Participate in Spiritual direction

  • Grounded in progressive theology and continental philosophy. (see Ordination Paper)

  • Follow BIPOC (Black, indigenous, people of color) on Twitter to understand my places of privilege


II  Living in relationships of covenantal accountability with God and church  


  • See Ordination Paper

  • Lives in covenant with Desert Palm UCC, contributing financially to the sustainability of this ministry.

  • Since moving, participates faithfully with the Rincon Congregational UCC congregation.

III  Exhibiting strong moral character and personal integrity


  • Using Jesus and continental philosophy as guidelines, I subscribe to an ethic and politic of human+ flourishing.

  • Language is powerful. I stand by an ethic of being impeccable with my word.



IV Respecting the dignity of all people


  • CPE

  • R&D

  • Recently mentored one of our youth who has autism through his confirmation process

Isaac joining the church (1).jpeg

V   Understanding and ministering to stages of human development across the life span


  • Most of my experience is with young adults – with my patients and the young adults at Rebel & Divine – and their children.

  • Children’s sermons at Desert Palm UCC

  • I currently serve on the Music and Worship team at Rincon as we navigate the building of the new whilst retaining the sentimentality and tradition of the old.

  • I draw on Systems theory, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Erickson’s stages of human development to guide my interactions with others.




VI   Demonstrating excellent communication skills


  • Nursing has afforded me many opportunities for deep listening. I excel at conversational nursing where “being with” is prioritized over “doing for”.

  • Preaching at Desert Palm UCC and First Congregational UCC Phoenix.



Sandi Britton letter of recommendation

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Kelly Kahlstrom, RN, BSN, MA

UCC Southwest Conference

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