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1. Spiritual Foundation

Woman with Bible

I  Loving God, following Jesus Christ and being guided by the Holy Spirit, living a life of discipleship 


  • Jesus is the center point for Tillich’s horizontal and vertical dimension (described in
    Ordination paper) and models for me the both/and of worship and justice.

  • Schleirmacher taught me the importance of sharing and listening to “Aha moments”
    (from churched and unchurched alike) to better see what God is doing in the world.


II  Praying actively and nurturing spiritual practices


  • Evening review of the day (Daily Examen)

  • Showing up

  • Letting go

  • Finding the sacred in the mundane at the dog park with a group of unchurched friends.

  • Spiritual direction and small group interactions at Pathways of Grace.


III  Being called to ordained ministry by God and the church


  • I felt called to ordained ministry as a young adult in college. This was affirmed by youth
    minister and friends but felt nursing school was more practical.

  • Affirmed again when my son was in high school by our interim minister at Palo Christi Presbyterian Church, Phil Reller and by Jeffrey Dirrim whilst volunteering with Rebel & Divine.

  • I am called to chaplaincy. I hope to be instrumental in facilitating a broader experience of the magnificence of God’s love in this world and in the lives of those whom I touch. As a nurse I focused on physical health and emotional health. Now I want to fully embrace spiritual health especially those with substance use disorder.

  • I am supported in this call by Tom Martinez, Michael-Ann Veziroglu at Desert Palm and Pastor James at First Congregational UCC Phoenix as well as my MiD committee at Desert Palm.

  • Also affirmed by nursing colleagues at Mercy Care, a state Medicaid program.



IV Continuing discernment of one’s call to ministry


  • This discernment process for Ordination has been 10 years in the making. From a love of
    philosophy, I had to fall in love with the Church again: a church that is itself going through its own discernment and reformation to remain a viable force in a post modern world.

  • Discernment is a lifelong process.



V  Understanding the power of the Holy Spirit at work through the elements of Christian worship to nurture faith.


  • MA in communication (philosophy of language) at ASU and MA in theology (Schleirmacher) at Iliff taught me the importance of experiential worship. Engaging the senses through word, music and art helps transition from linear thinking valued by cultural to a holy and subliminal space of experience.



VI Exhibiting a commitment to lifelong spiritual development and faithful personal stewardship


  • Period of being “unchurched” 2008-2016. Philosophy made so much sense I wondered “why the church?”

  • I have consciously “dealt with my stuff” so that the impact of unresolved grief and trauma is contained.

  • Left Rebel & Divine because I was doing good for the wrong reason.

  • Consistent financial donor to church and OCWM special offerings.



Don Arey's letter of recommendation

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Kelly Kahlstrom, RN, BSN, MA

UCC Southwest Conference

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