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4. Engaging Sacred Stories

Church Pew

I   Exhibiting knowledge, understanding, and continuing study of the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament


  • Seminary education from Iliff School of Theology, Denver

  • Utilize the Revised Common Lectionary in preparing sermons

  • Worship service/prayers written by Kelly Kahlstrom

  • March 3rd Transfiguration Sunday service



II  Maturing in effective proclamation and preaching


  • Preached March 3rd and May 26th at Desert Palm UCC Tempe

  • Scheduled to preach at Desert Heritage Church January 5th 2020

  • I have received positive feedback from congregants that the sermons have been meaningful to them

  • Terrea's letter 



III  Understanding the history of the Christian Church, from biblical times forward


  • Seminary Education at Iliff

  • Philosophical Education (Communication Studies) at ASU West

  • UCC History and Policy Summer 2017



IV  Bringing life to sacred stories and traditions in worship, proclamation and witness


  • Participate in small group examining stories of women in the Bible at Desert Palm UCC

  • Assist with Children’s message at Desert Palm UCC when needed

  • Christian worship class in seminary


V  Leading faith formation effectively across generations



  • Led the Christian Education team on Session at Palo Christi PCUSA, Phoenix

  • Initiated small group gathering of “Conversations of the Heart” to provide space to give voice to or listen to the “Aha” moments or God moments in our lives that take our breath away

  • Led a 4-week class at Desert Palm on “Praying the Psalms” culminating in the group writing their own collective Psalm of lament

  • Led Divina small group First Congregational UCC, Phoenix



VI  Holding the Holy with integrity especially as represented in the Sacraments


  • See Ordination paper

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