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7. Justice and Mercy

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I  Drawing on the ministry of Jesus Christ to confront injustice and oppression 


  • My social justice sphere often centers on women’s issues through the lens of opioid addiction drawn from my nursing experience. I have been vocal from the pulpit (Good Friday 2018 Desert Palm UCC, and soon to be Epiphany Sunday 2020 at Desert Heritage UCC) as well as educational opportunities (WISE Lenten offering 2019). In the nursing world I served on the Governor’s Task Force to address the opioid crisis lending a “boots on the ground” perspective to the work at hand.  

  • I ensured that Narcan (Heroin/Opioid antidote) was available at Rebel & Divine at all times and have distributed doses of Narcan to other congregations as they have been made available to me.


II Practicing the radical hospitality of God 


  • Clinical Pastoral Education provided the theological base to understanding the radical hospitality demanded by my nursing ethic- meeting people where they are.

  • As the moderator of Rebel & Divine I was compelled to challenge my assumptions about hospitality, sexuality, and gender identity and expression, to better extend God’s radical welcome to all. 


III  Identifying and working to overcome explicit and implicit bias in the life of the Church 


  • During seminary I was exposed to many theologians not centered in the patriarchy and came to deeply appreciate womanist thought. I gradually came to understand that whilst I find it compelling, because of my social location, I cannot claim to be a womanist theologian.  

  • I regularly follow BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color) on Twitter to better understand the privilege that comes from my social location. 


IV  Understanding community context and navigating change within a community 


  • The Rebel& Divine community had many participants who had had toxic and traumatic experiences with church. Some outright rejected that aspect of the community identity whilst others embraced it as a safe place to do and be the church. Articulating a theology of love and care as well as Micah 6:8 allowed for both expressions to be offered and integrated in that space. 



V Engaging in mission and outreach 


  • Regularly engaged in mission opportunities within the churches I have been a part of

  • Dinner and overnight hospitality for Family Promise

  • Involved in community events integral to the lives of the Rebel & Divine young adults 


VI  Building relationships of mutual trust and understanding 


  • Nurse Case Management as ministry. Addiction is a disease of connection; in this case a substance takes the place of authenticity in relationship. Compassionate interactions can be life affirming and transformative. My success as a nurse demonstrates this capacity 


Jo Vredenberg's letter of recommendation, member of Desert Palm UCC and mentor for this Mark of Ministry.


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