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3. Building Transformational Leadership


I   Empowering the Church to be faithful to God’s call, reflective of Christ’s mission and open to the surprises of the Holy Spirit


  • Lend my talents to what is needed in the moment

  • Have preached at Palo Christi (PCUSA) First Congregational UCC Phoenix and Desert Palm UCC Tempe


II  Strategically creating the future of God’s Church

  • Children’s moments at Desert Palm UCC

  • Co-led MiD event in Cleveland April 2018 


note from MESA team.jpg


  • Moderator of Rebel & Divine UCC Jan 2016-August 2017

  • Alternative path to ministry with MA instead of MDiv



III  Witnessing in the Public Square to God’s redeeming power.


  • Co-led pre women’s- march service at First Congregational UCC Phoenix in 2017

  • Participate yearly in MLK march in Phoenix 

  • Dog Park conversations


MLK March 2012 .jpg

IV  Performing necessary and appropriate administrative tasks


  • Nursing management 1990-2003

  • Served on Session (Council) at Palo Christi

  • Served as Moderator of Rebel & Divine



V  Working collaboratively with intercultural awareness and sensitivity


  • Many examples from nursing, especially around how fetal death/grief is expressed.

  • Rebel & Divine participants were from a variety of cultural and religious backgrounds.

  • Regular trainings in nursing advocating for cultural humility



VI  Encouraging leadership development of self and others through continuing education and lifelong learning


  • Diploma in Nursing, Bachelor’s in Nursing, MA in Communication Study, MA in Theology

  • Monthly behavioral health education to equip myself to work with people who experience Substance Use Disorder

  • Independent reading from BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color) writers to better understand my privilege



Michael-Ann's letter of recommendation

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