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Marks of Ministry


Marks on Ministry

To begin, I would like to share how we moved through the process since the Marks of Ministry
were new to the Desert Palm UCC MiD committee as well as Desert Palm UCC clergy. I met
several times with my committee (Don Beaver, Dale Franks and Judy O’Neil) starting in the
Spring of 2017. This was a time of getting to know one another since I was new to Desert Palm
UCC after initiating my process originally at First Congregational United Church of Christ in
Phoenix some years before. In the intervening time, since I had moved from the MDiv to an MA
(Theology) and was not anticipating ordination, I worshipped with the Rebel & Divine
community. When alternative paths to ordination became available, I joined Desert Palm UCC to
reinitiate my ordination process.

I proposed to the committee that I would ask individuals known to the congregation to assist with
each Mark of Ministry and report back to the committee. Each mentor, the committee, and my
then CoCAM advisor, Dr. Cari Jackson met in April of 2018 to share my progress.

My mentors for this process are as follows:


  1. Exhibiting a Spiritual Foundation and Ongoing Spiritual Practice: Don Arey (founding minister of Desert Palm UCC)

  2. Nurturing UCC Identity: Jo Vredenberg (member of Desert Palm UCC)

  3. Building Transformational Leadership Skills: Michael-Ann Veziroglu (Associate Pastor  Desert Palm United Church of Christ)

  4. Engaging Sacred Stories and Traditions: Doug Bland (Arizona Storyteller), Terrea Arnwine, (attends Desert Palm UCC)

  5. Caring for all of Creation: Rich Doerrer-Peacock (member of Desert Palm UCC and cocollaborato with Rebel & Divine UCC)

  6. Participating in Theological Praxis: Tom Martinez (Senior minister Desert Palm UCC), Pastor James Pennington (Senior minister First Congregational UCC Phoenix)

  7. Working together for Justice and Mercy: Jo Vredenberg (Member of Desert Palm UCC)

  8. Strengthening Inter-And Intra-Personal Assets: Sandi Britton (UCC chaplain mentor). 


Their comments can be found with each Mark of Ministry



Please select from the site's menu bar for specific Marks, or click on the quick links below.


1. Spiritual Foundation


2. Nurturing UCC Identity


3. Building transformational leadership


4. Engaging sacred stories and traditions


5. Caring for all creation


6. Participating in Theological Praxis


7. Working together for Justice and Mercy


8. Strengthening Inter and Intra personal assets


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